The Hard Things In Life

As I was watching Star Trek: The Next Generation, I stumbled across this quote that I would like to share with you.  The quote was said by Data to a man who was merely trying to explain why he was acting the way he was.  It was “Your past does not excuse unethical or immoral behavior.”
See, we as human beings have a choice.  We can choose to move past what has gone on in our lives and become better people because of it, or, we can choose to stick with our pasts.  Now, don’t get me wrong, some people’s pasts are great!  But, not everyone’s is.  However, that does not give you a reason to do things such as murder, steal, lie, cheat, the list goes on and on.  Do you know why your past does not give you the reason to do those things?  Because you have a choice.  You can choose to be that bad person, or, look at your life and say to yourself that you want to be different, better than what you grew up with.
I know that, for me, although my parents are great, I want to be better!  It is TERRIBLY hard to do better but it is not impossible.
Do the hard thing!  You won’t regret it!


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